Upon reflection, I think this is a healthy development

Does this mask make me look stupid?

Does this mask make me look stupid?

California won’t allow virus vaccines without state approval. Governor Newsom, following the lead of Cuomo, is setting up a panel of “experts” to review any vaccine that’s ultimately approved by the CDC, with the power to forbid its distribution to their state’s citizens. As California goes, so goes the nation, and the distribution of whatever vaccine is finally approved by the CDC will be delayed by battles, state-by-state, for months and even, trial lawyers and “concerned citizens” being who they are, years.

Both Newsom and Cuomo deny that this has anything to do with Trump. I believe it does, but that doesn’t matter: if it convinces people to distrust the federal government and public health authorities, that’s all to the good. That silly trope of the Left, “Trust the science” will be debunked, and citizens freed to use their own minds.

Of course, what neither Newsom or Cuomo seems to understand is that, having told their citizens that the federal government will lie to them for political purposes or, at best, does sloppy work and distributes unsafe medicines, those same citizens will surely wonder why they should trust their state’s own public health experts. Next thing you know, they might start asking if public health officials are the only government workers who’ve been lying to and deceiving them, and who knows what that will lead to? At the very least, the credibility and trust of public health authorities will sink to the same level of loathing that the media’s earned. And, best scenario, the politicians will follow them down.

One unintended consequence of this will be the strengthening of the anti-vaccine movement in general. That won’t be a good thing, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking kneecaps, eh?


Cuomo “not that confident” in FDA or the CDC, then adds that “Americans are very skeptical” about COVID vaccine.

Skeptical? After every democrat politician: Pelosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Kamallawalla Harris, have all claimed that the FDA and CDC are tools of Trump and will approve an unsafe vaccine at Trump’s bidding? How can that happen”