This sounds familiar
/CNN’s Don Lemon brags about abandoning friends who disagree with him
William F. Buckley once said, “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” I’ve found this to be true in my own life, ever since I started paying attention to politics. Libs can tolerate anything but dissent. They always want to have “a conversation,” right up until you ask them to back up their fanciful assertions with facts and evidence. Then they get angry and don’t want to talk to you anymore. They realize they have no idea what they’re yammering about, the cognitive dissonance kicks in — “I’m obviously smarter than the people I hate, or else I wouldn’t hate them so much. How can this be happening to me?” — and they just shut down. After all these years, it’s still funny to me. Liberals want conservatives to shut up; conservatives want liberals to keep talking.
And I don’t even know anybody who gets paid millions of dollars to look into a TV camera and spout Democratic Party talking points. That’s an even higher level of delusion, with even less incentive to return to earth. If the average lib has no reason to listen to, well, reason, why would a CNN anchor ever spend one second considering a viewpoint that differs from his own? Why would he waste time on anybody who doesn’t have the common courtesy to just smile and nod at everything he says?
Don Lemon knows better than that.
I’ve been a political junkie since I was maybe 14, and i always enjoyed discussing and arguing politics with a few liberal friends. Point-counter-point, humerous jabs, and laughter. That changed over the years and Trump’s election finished it for good. But not by my volition; I still liked my friends, but they didn’t like me. Those few who didn’t cut me out of their life as Lemon did to his own friends remain in my world as friends only because we’ve reached an unspoken agreement to avoid politics completely. And that’s too bad, because I enjoyed the conversations, but at least we’re still friends. Most of the people whose company I once enjoyed are gone forever, by their choice.
I like to think that that’s their loss but I’m sure they’re more comfortable and feel safer without me. Sad.