I think it's time for Rudy and company to shut up

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I’m as disappointed with the presidential election result as any thinking person is, but it looks like the Democrats’ mail-in voting, same-day registration and ballot harvesting plans achieved their aims, and, as Nixon said when he declined to challenge Illinois’ and Texas’ corrupt vote count, “they stole it fair and square”.

If there were provable fraud (emphasis on provable), the time to produce the evidence showing that has passed. Rudy’s claim that he’s got irrefutable proof” but isn’t ready to show his hand is too late. And too little (no little, in fact).

Rudy, it’s been two weeks; the country’s mostly come to accept that we’re going to have a Kampallawalla Wing Doodle caretaker presidency for the next few years, and no judge is going to risk tearing this country further apart by reversing the election now. Yet Rudy persists with allegations of fraud, but no proof:

President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani on Sunday insisted that the presidential election would be “overturned,” claiming he had “evidence” that “corrupt machines” had deleted millions of votes for Trump — but couldn’t share it.

Now Sidney Powell, an attorney I deeply respect, has joined the Trump/Giuliani and she, too, has “irrefutable proof” of fraud, but isn’t ready to reveal what it is.

On to Georgia, on to 2022.