You'd think this was good news, but no

I call bullshit

I call bullshit

Over 1,000,000 kids have had Coronavirus

More than 1 million American kids have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to date — with the highest seven-day uptick occurring last week, according to a study released Monday.

The grim figures indicate that while “it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is rare among children … there is an urgent need to collect more data on longer-term impacts’’ on them, including emotional and mental health issues, said researchers with the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Association who did the study.

A total of 1,039,464 kids in the US have been reported to have contracted the virus so far — or 11.5 percent of all the infected peopled in states that offer patient age breakdowns, according to the findings.

The Pandemic Cult may consider these figures “grim”, but why? The kids aren’t dying or even getting sick. As for studying the long term emotional and mental health issues of all this, is anyone looking at the effect of keeping children out of school and away from their playmates and grandparents for 18 months? Of scaring them into wearing masks, even when it’s not Halloween? Of keeping infants from seeing a smiling face for the first years of life?

Meanwhile, Saint Fauci and his fellow priests are calling for the continued wearing of masks and shuttering of restaurants, concerts, and sports games forever, because a mere-vaccine won’t be sufficient to keep the elderly 100% safe from dying, of anything.

There’s something very wierd going on here.