And a sale
/14 Dingletown Road went to contract on November 4, and closed at $3 million ($3.250 ask) yesterday. That suggests either a cash sale or a buyer on very good terms with his lender.
As an aside, despite Mickster’s oft-repeated boast that this road was named in honor of his home town, Dingle, back on the old sod, it’s a little-known fact that the original name was “Dingleberry”, and was changed at the same time that the owners on Hooker Lane, tired of being embarrassed when telling deliverymen their address, changed their street’s name to “Stone Brook” You can trust me on this.
Or not.
UPDATE: Publius’ ditty is too good to bury in the comments section. A little polishing needed, maybe, but speed is all, and this went up almost instantly. Well done!.
Dingletown, Dingletown, Dingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to live on a Mick named street today!
Dashing through the spuds with a mule and Mr. O'Day
O'er the fields we go, drinking all the way
Bells on bob-tails ring making the spirits taste right
What fun it is to drink and plough, no different than last night!