"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Vladimir Lenin

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Marxism lessons start early in our schools

American elementary schools have spent the past decade rapidly introducing leftist and socialist curricula into classrooms of little children. This type of leftist propagandization was previously reserved for older children in colleges and high schools. But the Obama era, followed by the shock of Trump's election, catalyzed a more emboldened approach for leftist pedagogy. 

Enter the new era of socialist propagandization of children: "equity." Equity is taught as a type of superior fairness. It replaces the now archaic concept of equality. Equality is explained to our children as "generic" and "equal," apparently bad things, while equity is pedestaled as "fair." You see, equality means that everyone has the same, equal opportunities, but this leads to unequal resultsEquity, on the other hand, ensures identical results and thus leads to "fair" outcomes. The idea that America should offer equality of opportunity, not equality of result, is now dead, and has been replaced with the reverse standard - that America should offer equality of result

To teach the concept, children are shown an example of three kids trying to look over a fence: a short, medium, and tall child. In the first slide, each of them is given an equally-sized box to stand on. This results in the shortest kid not boosted up enough to be able to see over the fence, while the tallest kid is shown to be getting a boost that he doesn't really need. Next, a second slide is shown. The tallest boy's box is given to the shortest kid, with the shortest kid now standing on two boxes. The middle child keeps one, and the tallest gets none. The result is that everyone can now see over the fence, equally. The conclusion is taught as: "Fair isn't everybody getting the same thing ... fair is everybody getting what they need in order to be successful." 

…. The pleasure of seeing over a fence is such a sweet way to slip candy-coated socialism into our children's study diets. How could anyone disagree with letting a little child see over a fence, after all? Children are not taught to worry about who takes the box from the larger child. Children are not taught to ask who paid for the boxes. Children are not taught to question individual choice in the matter. Children are not taught to brainstorm ways for the shorter child to figure out a way around the problem on his own. Children are not taught the consequence of the tallest kid electing to not give up his box. Children are taught to swallow sweet socialist pedagogy without thought or question, to wear Utopian horse blinders. If he needs it, it must be handed to him! To each according to his needs! 

UPDATE: Barometer Soup has identified the kid in the purple shirt

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