NYT editor says ridiculing her math is racist

Math are hard — and waaasist!

Math are hard — and waaasist!

No mention of the scorn and ridicule also heaped on her fellow innumerate Brian Williams who, last time he was tested, was 99.999% white and only .001% Cherokee.

Appearing on MSNBC’s “11th Hour” last week, [New York Times editorial board member Mara] Gay and host Brian Williams engaged in a back-and-forth about how former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg conceivably could have given every American $1 million with the $500 million he spent on his failed presidential campaign. [calculating with racist old math yields a figure of $1.43]

Both Gay and Williams were predictably raked over the coals. Responding to the backlash, Gay wrote a New York Times op-ed Wednesday, then tweeted it out with the claim that a “racist Twitter mob” came at her for “a trivial math mistake.”

My People Have Been Through Worse Than a Twitter Mob,” the headline read above the subheader: “When you’re a black woman in America with a public voice, a trivial math error can lead to a deluge of hate.”

“Unfortunately, quite a few Americans can tell you what it’s like to be the target of a Twitter mob over a gaffe,” Gay wrote. “My great sin was trivial, harmless, silly. What’s it like when people are trying to cancel you for a math mistake? Weird, and maddening and painful.”

“Of course, in my case it wasn’t really about math, as anyone who read through my mentions on Twitter or saw my inbox would know,” she wrote before listing several examples of racist responses. (RELATED: ‘She Learned Young That Crying Racism Pays’ — Tucker Blasts Omar’s Racism Charge And Her Attempts To Silence Him)

Numerous Twitter users were quick to say their mockery had absolutely nothing to do with race, particularly because Brian Williams, a white male, received his share as well.

The same racist Twitter mob was quick to attack her again:

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A young black woman with no noticeable talent is elevated to an editorial position at what was once the country’s preeminent paper and now complains that she’s being criticized because of the color of her skin. What’s next, a professorship at Harvard? The Senate? A run for the presidency?