Because centralized planning has always worked so well before

Please, Chuck, puleeze can we have some masks? And maybe a couple of ventilators? Pretty please?

Please, Chuck, puleeze can we have some masks? And maybe a couple of ventilators? Pretty please?

Senator Murphy has introduced legislation that would compel the federal government to seize medical supplies and distribute them “fairly".

The current system, in which states and hospitals are competing against each other for scarce equipment, is both unnecessary and barbaric,” said Murphy, D-Conn. “It’s time to centralize the critical medical supply chain and distribution during this public health crisis.”

Quite aside from the fact that transferring control of critical supplies to bureaucrats will only ensure their permanent scarcity, does our idiot Che GueMurphy actually believe that he has the political clout to wrest supplies from, say, New York, or California? How many electoral votes does Connecticut carry, Senator?

True story: during the gasoline shortage of 1979, gas was distributed by the government according to which state had the more powerful politician. Ted Kennedy managed to flood Cape Cod with gasoline so as to protect its tourist trade. He forgot, however, that tourists would have to get to Cape Cod if they were to spend money there, and Kennedy had left no fuel for the other New England states. Result: Cape Cod was awash with gasoline and vacant hotels, and the tourists stayed home.

Our little pipsqueak thinks he’ll do better with Schumer or Pelosi than his predecessors did against Kennedy? He’s a delusional egomaniac and a fool, to boot.