Cuomo bares his chest, PJ media's Sarah Hoyt had already refuted him before he'd even doffed his shirt

The last NY politician who tried this didn’t fare so well

The last NY politician who tried this didn’t fare so well

EOS sent along this:


Earlier this morning, Sarah Hoyt wrote an article for PJ Media addressing stupid statements like this, entitled, “If it saves one life, it’s totally worth it?

As deaths from the Xi Flu mount in the U.S., the media keeps announcing them as if it’s absolutely the end of the world. I have no idea what we’ll be up to by the time this article goes up, but I’d guess probably around 500 or a little under.

And sure, it’s easy to get panicked by that. Five hundred is a lot of dead people.

If you tell people on social media that yeah, it’s a big number, but not as much – not by far – as the number of annual flu deaths in the U.S., you’re going to get called a monster, asked what if this person were your spouse, your mother or your child, and told that all these measures, and destroying our economy, are completely worth it, if we ‘save even one life.’

But the problem is that you can’t save that one life. Not forever.

And given the average age of the people dying of the Xi-Flu, the truth is that if they don’t die of this, they will die of the next epidemic cold or flu (btw, did you know China now seems to have an outbreak of a new bird flu?) that comes near them.

It’s terrible, but it is also part of the human condition.


Now both the number of active cases and the number of deaths are going to go up, as more tests become available. And knowing our media, they’ll report being infected as a death sentence. Which it is not. The highest mortality rate is in the 80+ age range, with significant comorbidities and even that isn’t precisely 100%. In fact, it’s around 10%. Horrible of course, but not a death sentence.

But, you’ll say, what if it were your grandmother? Isn’t it justified to put everyone under lockdown and extreme emergency measures and destroy the economy to save your grandmother?

My personal grandmother, if she were still alive, and they told me I’d need to kill all of you in batch lots to keep her alive – and get to have tea with her – one more day? Let’s just say I’d prefer not to be tempted.

However, that doesn’t make it a good idea.

Why not?

Because by sacrificing our wealth, we’re sacrificing our ability to care for other grandmothers in the future. Absent in the barrage the media is blasting at people is that part of the reason for the triage – known as letting people die – in Italy is the lack of money for the medical system. Now, part of this is because it’s government-run, part is because the Italian economy has been sinking for several years.

Which means that by destroying the economy we’re condemning a lot of grandmas to death. (And that’s without taking into account how poverty increases illness.)

But let’s say – for the sake of argument – we take the left’s idea that it’s worth putting everyone on lockdown to avoid one death.

Well, guys, we’re in trouble now.

Because the number of people who die in the U.S. every year from the strangest things is through the roof.

[read the whole thing]