I feel better already

WHO Pony to the rescue

WHO Pony to the rescue

No hurt feelings. WHO says we mustn’t use words like “infect” when speaking of Kung Flu

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged people not to talk about transmitting the coronavirus because it 'assigns blame' to those who may be carrying it in a woke message for medical staff.

In its most recent advice for those concerned about the risks of the deadly virus, the group aimed to tackle the so-called 'social stigma' around the disease.

It highlighted why COVID-19 is causing stigma and discouraged people from adding countries or ethnicities when talking about transmission.

Posting its new guidance to social media WHO said: 'DO - talk about people "acquiring" or "contracting" #COVID19

'DON'T - talk about people "transmitting COVID-19", "infecting others" or "spreading the virus" as it implies intentional transmission and assigns blame.'

In its new online guide it also said that 'words matter' and added that some language may have a negative meaning for some which may 'fuel stigmatized attitudes'.

'They can perpetuate existing negative stereotypes or assumptions, strengthen false associations between the disease and other factors, create widespread fear, or dehumanise those who have the disease'. 

So, you’re still going to get Kung Flu and die, but at least you’ll do so without blaming the Chinaman who sneezed in your face during your escape from Wuhan. You simply “acquired it” — from WHO knows where?

Related: Is it allowable to describe this woman as “selfish” without implying a negative meaning?

A hospital worker who became New Hampshire’s first coronavirus patient had been ordered to self-isolate — but went to a college’s business event instead, health officials have revealed.

The selfish Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center staffer showed symptoms after returning from a trip to Italy, and was told to stay home while awaiting the test result, which came back positive Monday, health officials said.

“The first patient, despite having been directed to self-isolate, attended an invitation-only private event on Friday,” the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) warned in a release.

Having defied the first directive, the hospital worker was “issued an official order of isolation” after officially testing positive on Monday, officials said.

A close colleague of his at the hospital then became the Granite State’s second confirmed case on Tuesday, their hospital confirmed.