Catch 20-flu
/Russians quash Hungarian revolution, 1956 (Bernie Sanders’ socialist party endorsed the action)
The shutdown will continue until an accurate test for coronavirus infection has been developed and deployed, and even then, only those who have (a) had the disease and (b) recovered will be allowed outside their homes. Dr. Fauci, among others, envisions “certificates of immunization” that will have to be carried by all citizens and displayed to authorities upon demand. But the only way to become infected is by exposure to another infected individual.
So: we must all stay locked indoors to prevent us from catching the flu, and will only be allowed to leave if and when we do catch the flu and survive. The more effective the lockdown, the fewer of us will be infected, and thus the fewer of us will be allowed to venture outside and resume our normal activities such as earning a living. Accurate testing is only useful as a means to determine who has already been infected and therefore allowed to leave shelter. Take proper precautionary measures and you will not become infected, will not pass the test and will therefore not be issued one of Dr. Fauci’s certificate of free passage. What the fuck is going on here?
The national government has already taken away the right of assembly and the right to engage in the formerly-lawful activity of earning a living. Various governors have attacked the free exercise of religion and the right to purchase guns, ammunition, liquor, vegetable and flower seedlings, even seeds, books, and clothing. In exchange for this, we have each received $1,000, which will be added to our bill. This seems a poor bargain.
I’m not at the point where I believe this panic is a deliberate plot to strip citizens of their liberty and impose a central dictatorship, but those who do have that goal are certainly taking advantage of the situation.