And another contract — hooray!

19 Hill Road (photoshopped grey; the current dark stain is, well, dark)

19 Hill Road (photoshopped grey; the current dark stain is, well, dark)

19 Hill Road, $1.8995 million. It came on in September, so that’s a pretty quick sale these days. Custom-built, I believe, for this owner is 1967, I really like this house. It’s bright, with clean lines, and Hill Road’s a fine mid-county location. The owners were fortunate to live in such a nice house for so long. Presumably, the new buyers will want to update it, but I wish them many happy years here as well.

I’d probably do some judicious pruning-back pf the plantings that have grown up over the past 56 years, but that’s a quibble.

I’d probably do some judicious pruning-back pf the plantings that have grown up over the past 56 years, but that’s a quibble.