Building the body count

No face mask! No wonder he’s dead.

No face mask! No wonder he’s dead.

Homeless man dies of alcohol poisoning, cause of death recorded as COVID-19

Sebastian Yellow, 35, was found dead by police on May 4. Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers later determined that his death was due to acute alcohol poisoning. His blood-alcohol content measured in at .55. The legal limit in the state is .08.

But before [Montezuma County Coroner] Deavers signed the death certificate, Colorado health officials reportedly categorized Yellow’s death as being due to COVID-19.

Back in April, health officials in Colorado classified three nursing home fatalities as COVID-19 deaths, even though attending physicians ruled they were not related to the coronavirus.

While Yellow later tested positive for COVID-19, Deavers said his death had nothing to do with the coronavirus.

Like Kung Flu itself, there’s a lot of this going around. Certain people and groups have a lot invested in this virus, and that’s not to our benefit.

RELATED: Suicides from job-loss on the rise.

