Turns out I'm not the only one speculating that forced vaccination is next up

This won’t hurt a bit

This won’t hurt a bit

I suggested yesterday that, as the purpose and goal of home confinement evolves from “flattening the curve” into “nobody leaves until we’re all immune”, calls for mandatory Kung Flu shots will start to be heard (herd?) from our betters. That’s exactly what’s happening.

In Britain, they’re comparing the citizenry to mental defectives:

Regarding bodily integrity as beyond reproach, when it comes to vaccinations and treatments for infectious diseases, seems inconsistent with how we treat the body in other domains. Mental health law allows psychiatric patients, including those with full decision-making capacity, to be treated — not merely detained — if they deemed to pose a risk to themselves or others; it allows for interferences with both freedom of movement and association, and bodily integrity.

But the virus is found on these shores too. Here’s Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel — currently presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s chief health-care adviser and a potential Secretary of Health and Human Services:

Two years ago, Emanuel wrote in the New York Times that every child in the United Statesshould be legally required to take a flu shot every year:

The freedom to allow your child to contract and transmit a deadly disease is hardly a real freedom worth protecting. In 1905 the Supreme Court recognized the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination — in that case for smallpox. The court made it clear that the state may be justified in restricting individual liberty when “great dangers” threaten “the safety of the general public.”

But is the flu a “great danger”? Not to children, to be sure. I looked up the stats. In recent years, the annual mortality toll has ranged between 37 in the 2011–12 flu season to a high of 186 in 2017–18. That’s tragic, but hardly a societal catastrophe. Moreover, flu is the eighth leading cause of death in the country, taking about 50,000 of us each year out of a population approaching 350 million. In comparison, heart disease, our leading killer, causes more than 600,000 deaths a year. And since adults aren’t required to submit to flu shots, it’s hard to see the point of such a mandate.

Ah, but Emanuel’s argument reveals the technocratic mindset. I can hear the activists yelling on CNN: “People could die if we aren’t all forced to be inoculated against COVID! And they could infect others!”

Earlier this week Alan Dershowitz defended forced inoculation:

Let me put it very clearly: you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated.… And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.

Dershowitz is currently out of favor with his cohort because of his defense of Trump, and judging from the comments to the linked-to Dershowitz YouTube, liberals still “won’t listen to anything said by this sell-out”. But that will change as quickly as #Metoo collapsed in the Biden moment. Look for him to be reembraced and wecolmed back to the fold just as soon as this opportunity to further expand the power of the government’s control of citizens becomes irresistable.