Missing the locust parade? I am.

Yager does Dalio

Yager does Dalio

Many of you reading this are probably not participating in the drive-by procession going on as I write, but I’m sure Greenwich Pravda’s Leslie Yager will be posting details and pictures soon (EOS refused to cover it for FWIW, darn her — she’s still recovering from the grief occasioned by her sale of Barbadeos, I think, and didn’t feel up to it). In the meantime, here’s what you’re missing:

MONEY BAGS AND BODY BAGS:  Car Caravan Protest Targets Greenwich and Westchester Billionaires to Demand Fair Taxes On Super-Rich to Fund “People’s Recovery” from COVID-19 Crisis. Over 100 cars from labor, community and resistance activists to converge on the home of the billionaires.

WHAT: On Thursday, May 21st, 1pm EST, a large-scale car caravan protest of union and community members will take over Greenwich CT and Chappaqua, NY stopping at the homes of some of region’s wealthiest residents, calling for billionaires and big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes during the COVID-19 crisis.

WHERE: The caravan will meet at the Greenwich train station at 1PM, and then will proceed to the homes of a handful of billionaires in Greenwich and Westchester County. 3PM at the Whole Foods in Chappaqua (480 N. Bedford Road)

Healthcare workers, teachers, and community leaders will speak about how the richest people in each state are getting richer from the COVID-19 pandemic while frontline workers face massive shortages of PPE and Connecticut and New York state governments face the threat of massive budget cuts and layoffs.

WHO: A coalition of unions and community groups from CT and NY, including SEIU 1199 New England, SEIU 32BJ, CT Working Families Party, Hedge Clippers, Prescription Addiction Intervention Now, Connecticut Education Association, UAW, Make the Road CT, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Center for Popular Democracy Action, Make Billionaires Pay, Irvington Activists.

One in twelve Connecticut nursing home residents have already died of COVID-19, as have one out of every 530 New York City residents.  Millions have lost jobs and income, while the net worth of many billionaires has soared. The protestors will drop body bags and money bags at the mansions of the ultrarich, with the message “money bags for the rich, body bags for the rest of us, with trash bags for frontline workers.”

The caravan will stop at the homes of some of the many billionaires and ultra-rich residents of Greenwich:

  • Ray Dalio, net worth $18 billion, Bridgewater Associates: Richest man in Connecticut, got state government to subsidize his hedge fund

  • Steven A. Cohen, net worth $13.9 billion, Point72 Asset Management, million-dollar Trump donor forced out of business on insider trading charges

  • Cliff Asness, net worth $2.6 billion, AQR Capital: State-subsidized hedge fund billionaire lobbying for more hedge fund tax breaks

  • Jonathan Sackler, Purdue Pharma, $14 billion family fortune:  Death-dealing opioid profiteer

  • Edward P. Garden, Trian Partners:  Hedge fund manager exploiting farmworkers & fast-food workers

  • Stephen Mandel, net worth $2.8 billion, Lone Pine Capital, Billionaire hedge fund manager pushing privatization of public schools

  • Betsy McCaughey, Yankee Institute for Public Policy, Trump advisor & austerity propagandist who attacks the ACA

  • Lucy Stitzer, net worth $1.5 billion, Waycross family fund for Cargill and MacMillan fortunes: Cargill destroys the environment and abuses workers

  • Douglas T. Lake Jr., DC Capital Partners/Caliburn International, Trump-connected hedge fund that caged immigrant kids through Caliburn subsidiary

Somehow, I don’t think they’re going to make it past the gates of Conyers Farm to accost Cliff Asness, but I’d pay very good money to watch him in action if they do. Sic ‘em, Cliff.