If Corcoran's agent went too far, what is this?

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Sleezeball shyster Mark, “Heavy Hitter Esq.” McBride encourages blacks to kill cops

Mark McBride, a San Gabriel criminal defense attorney, allegedly made the comments in response to a recent post about police brutality, according to Fox 11.

“It won’t stop until black people start murdering cops, which they should do often and with great relish,” the station says one of the posts read. “These ----sucking, low IQ, can’t get into law school jarheads need an asphalt nap, during which they’re bleeding out on the street where they’re shot down. I would have no problem with them. I would absolutely 100% defend to the death any African American who picked off a cop or two. It’s time, it’s well past time.”


In a follow-up post, McBridge allegedly wrote “it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve defended ‘terrorists’, sign me up pro bono for somebody’s granddad putting a couple of hollow points between the eyes of these PTSD addled rednecks, I’d take one or two pro bono,” Fox 11 adds.

These posts and solicitation are grounds for immediate disbarment, but if I had to guess, I’d predict that McBride will be back on TV as a celebrity lawyer and legal expert and that Florida realtor will be sanctioned. Because reasons.