This ended quicker than you can say "Occupy Wall Street"


Monday, ANTIFA seized a 6-block square of Seattle and announced some kind of independent republic, or something.

“The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Folks in Seattle have secured six block of city [at the moment], barricaded it, and gotten local businesses and residents to agree to, well, disaffiliate from Seattle basically. It’s a flux state in the making,” Alex Humva tweeted.

“Speaker at the autonomous zones advocating folks with firearms take shifts defend the barricades. Sh*t is getting organized,” another inside the barricades tweeted.

The map Ngo tweeted claims to represent Seattle on the night of June 8. Antifa rioters claim to have taken over the “Capital Hill Free Zone (Protester Occupied Seattle)” in yellow. The zone includes the “Captured Regime East Precinct (Abandoned Police Station with doors left unlocked lol),” along with areas marked “Commune Food Stations,” “CHFZ Commune Barricades,” “Relaxation & Dining Field (food regularly handed out + coffee bar),” and a “Stoa (Informal Congregational Area).”

No need to worry, though, because the little retards almost immediately discovered what every budding communist learns, thugs, crack addicts and street people will eat rich white suburban-raised idiots’ lunch, every time.


Too bad there are no longer history books around that could have told them this.