Perspective, though I'm not sure this offers a solution.


Essay: Horror and humiliation in Minneapolis


…. If police are restrained, or even de-funded, as Rep. Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) demands, the crime rate will rise sharply, and blacks are far more likely to be crime victims than whites….

Why black Americans should want to undermine the police forces that protect them is a sensitive question that has a simple answer: The price of such police protection is humiliation. The sort of policing that keeps criminals off the streets requires stopping and frisking large numbers of people, stopping cars with a broken tail light, and so forth. But this also subjects large numbers of innocent people to humiliating examination and occasional mistreatment.

Most people would rather be dead than humiliated, and black Americans are no exception.

It is easy to point out how unreasonable are the complaints of Black Lives Matter. Reasonable, sadly, has nothing to do with the issue: When people engage in extreme behavior, it is due to extreme distress. Nonetheless the numbers tell a clear story: Black Americans are a thousand times more likely to be killed by another black American than by a police officer, as the estimable Heather Mac Donald explained in The Wall Street Journal. To be precise, American police (white or black) killed exactly nine unarmed black Americans in 2019. Whether these shootings were justified is a different issue. That is about one one-thousandth of the 7,407 blacks murdered in 2018 (last year for which data are available), about 90% of whom were killed by other black Americans. …

Why, then, do black communities view police with such hostility? The increased safety of black communities depends upon measures imposed from the outside by a largely white state power, which is humiliating. It comes on top of other humiliations, of which the most onerous is the fake promise of upward mobility through university education.

Forty-two percent of white 18-year-olds will attend a college vs. 37% for blacks and 36% for Hispanics. The percentage of young blacks of college age who will attend university in the United States is not much different from that of whites. But fewer than 34% of black males at U.S. universities will graduate after six years (the standard program is four years). These are shocking numbers. Of this 37%, only a third, or 12.5% of college-age black men, will obtain a university degree. Almost one-quarter of all black men of college age will try and fail. Those were the black youth who stayed out of trouble, graduated from high school, and sought advancement in the university system—but ended up at the bottom of the greasy pole. That is a humiliation on a gigantic scale.

Blacks are accepted at colleges with a Scholastic Aptitude Test score 250 points lower than white candidates, and Hispanics with 185 points less; Asians must score 50 points higher than whites. A standard deviation is 210 points on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, so the handicapping is enormous. That fiddle has equalized black and white college admissions, but not graduation rates. The only systematic racial discrimination practiced in the United States victimizes Asian-Americans.

Worst of all, the six-year graduate rate for black men stood at just 33.8% in 2016 (for university entrants in 2010), while the graduate rate for men of all other races and ethnicities rose over the past twenty-five years. Most impressive is the increase in the graduation rate of Hispanic men, which rose from just above 40% for university entrants in 1996 to over 50% for 2010 university entrants.

The drastic improvement in Hispanic graduation rates refutes the assertion that America has a problem with minorities as such. Hispanics are America’s largest minority group at 16.7% of the population, and their university graduation rate has improved steadily. This is a not a minority problem but a black problem, and specifically a problem for black men. The six-year graduation rate for black women is 43%.

For liberals who think that the problem is racism, and that black women are doubly oppressed by misogyny as well as racism, these facts pose a conundrum: If racism somehow deters black men from succeeding in higher education, why doesn’t the combination of racism and misogyny deter black women even more?

A vicious hoax has been perpetrated on America’s young black men by the liberal establishment. ….. The revolving door of minority admissions creates jobs and perquisites for college bureaucrats. U.S. universities now spend almost as much on “administrative support” as they do on instruction, wrote Caroline Simons in Forbes ….

The leftists who run the university system are happy to cover up their deception and incompetence by blaming racism for the low graduation rate of black men. A 2006 study in The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education commented, “High dropout rates appear to be primarily caused by inferior K-12 preparation and an absence of a family college tradition, conditions that apply to a very large percentage of today’s college-bound African Americans.” As I reported in a March 30 review-essay in this space, mention of this 2006 analysis in a journal edited and written by blacks would be grounds for instant dismissal on grounds of racism at any major American university.

….. The long humiliation of black men has incubated a terrible rage. The phony promise of upward mobility leaves them feeling cheated, with good reason. This rage has metastasized into a dominant trope in black popular culture.

… Among all the identities that modern liberalism has constructed, black identity is the first and most practiced: In place of the Christian culture that made black churches the bearers of the civil rights movement, black identity politics has constructed a culture of rage and rejection. In 1993 the Rev. Calvin Butts, pastor of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church and the most distinguished black pastor in New York, drove a bulldozer up to the headquarters of Sony Music and crushed a pile of rap CD’s to protest their effect on black youth. More recently the first black president hosted an obscenity-spewing rapper at the White House.

That, I believe, explains the dire position of young black men in America. The humiliation of black men and their enraged, self-destructive response horrifies white liberals, for whom the sorrows of black America are not merely a social problem but an identity crisis. ….