And that's the way they like it

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Stasi ist hier willkommen

Town official banned from restaurant after bartender overhears him dissing BLM.

The controversy started when Erik Heilman, a bartender who was working the [Mission on the Bay] restaurant’s outdoor dining area last Thursday, made a post on the private Facebook group Swampscott 01907. Heilman alleged he overheard Hause call the Black Lives Matter movement “liberal bull****” and say white privilege is not real. Heilman said he was “distraught” hearing the comments, and made the post because he wanted to “inform” the community about the thoughts of an elected official.

The owner of the restaurant first fired the bartender for breaching a code of hospitality but was immediately brought to heel, rehired the nattering nabob and barred the customer instead:

[Heilman] has created a dialogue within the town and is fighting to hold public officials accountable for their words and actions at all times; not just when addressing the public.

It is with that in mind we no longer can welcome Don Hause into our establishment.

Mission On the Bay has always, and will continue to always employ inclusive hiring practices.

Some years ago I knew a woman who fled Poland for the US when she was twenty. She was successful here, got married, and had two sons, who eventually attended Greenwich High School where, she complained to me, they were taught to hate America and revere communism. “They don’t believe me when I tell them what it was like, she said. “Having to watch every word you say to a friend in a coffee shop or on the phone, constantly looking over your shoulder in case a neighbor should overhear you and report you to the authorities. They just don’t believe me, and laugh when I say I love this country.”

They might believe it now, though I worry that, as beneficiaries of a solid Greenwich High School indoctrination program, they grew up to be bartenders.