Go for it, please

I was speaking with an air conditioner repairman yesterday, a 5th generation Cos Cobber Democrat, when he spotted a Trump mask and questioned me on it. “Yeah, we’re a Trump family here”, I told him (on behalf of Gideon and Susie, who were out actually working.) The repairman paused and then said, “you know, I’m beginning to see his point about all this. These people running around pulling down statues, for what? I think he’s right.” Is that enough for him to vote for Trump, or at least stay home next November? Probably not, and I didn’t ask him, but it’s a hopeful sign that our progressives are doing for us what we seemingly can’t do for ourselves. So keep it up, boys and girls, and let it burn.

Black guy to his white crowd gathered around the Emancipation Memorial: “Thursday, 7:00 pm. we’re tearing this motherfucker down!”. Whites cheer wildly.

Christina Sommers✔@CHSommers points out,

The DC monument the mob intends to destroy was paid for by donations from emancipated African-Americans in 1876. Frederick Douglass spoke at the unveiling. In 1974, it was rotated to face a memorial honoring celebrated black educator Mary McLeod Bethune.

FWIW commentator and pet trust fund baby Blue Leader has announced that he’s flying down to D.C. on Tulip’s private jet to help out.

“They need us there”, he told FWIW. “We’re providing the heavy thinking for them until they can finally throw off the yoke of oppression and think for themselves. For instance, I’m going to point out to them that there was never a true emancipation, so any statue that suggests otherwise is a fraud upon history — our coloreds don’t necessarily understand that; it’s a little too subtle.

“And that’s why it took whites to lead the charge against that statue of Heg, up in Madison the other night — yeah, they say he was an anti-slavery abolitionist and fought slave catchers, but after he was killed at Chickamauga, they put up a memorial to him to convince the blacks that he was some kind of hero, and not just another friggin’ racist like the rest of us. By speaking truth to power, we opened our friends’ eyes, really set them free, for which we expect no thanks, just the reward of knowing we did a brave thing.

“Look, I know that I’m guilty myself, that I’m the product of white privilege, but I can put that privilege to use and atone. My racist parents sent me to Yale, and though I majored in modern dance, I minored in psych and poly-sci, so I know things and can think deep thoughts, so I can teach these people, explain to them how they should feel and act. Then I’m outta here, dude, promise. Maybe to Jackson Hole, or Aspen, but somewhere I can avoid tainting and corrupting my darker brothers.”

Of course, there’s this take, but it comes from an African-American and so can be dismissed.

Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and the first black billionaire, mocked Cancel Culture and the “borderline anarchists” who topple statues and monuments, claiming that black people “laugh” at the white people engaging in such violence. Even when white liberals topple a Confederate statue, Johnson insisted, “black people don’t give a damn.”

“Look, the people who are basically tearing down statues, trying to make a statement are basically borderline anarchists, the way I look at it,” Johnson told Fox News on Wednesday. “They really have no agenda other than the idea we’re going to topple a statue.”

The first black billionaire, who has called for $14 trillion in reparations payments to descendants of slavery, argued that vandalism and attacks on statues do not help the black community.

“It’s not going to give a kid whose parents can’t afford college money to go to college. It’s not going to close the labor gap between what white workers are paid and what black workers are paid. And it’s not going to take people off welfare or food stamps,” Johnson insisted.

He insisted that the rioters tearing down statues “have the mistaken assumption that black people are sitting around cheering for them saying, ‘Oh, my God, look at these white people. They’re doing something so important to us. They’re taking down the statue of a Civil War general who fought for the South.'”

“You know, black people, in my opinion, black people laugh at white people who do this the same way we laugh at white people who say we got to take off the TV shows,” Johnson added. He said these attempts to purge American culture of supposedly offensive monuments and media are “tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on a racial Titanic.”

“It absolutely means nothing,” the BET founder insisted.

“White Americans seem to think that if they just do sort of emotionally or drastic things that black people are going to say, ‘Oh my God, white people love us because they took down a statue of Stonewall Jackson.’ Frankly, black people don’t give a damn,” he quipped.

*(A brief Wikipedia bio of Norwegian immigrant Hans Christian Heg, dead at 34, can be found here. Interesting man)