Another year, another price cut

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6 Lauder Way, which started at $16.9 million in 2008 is now, twelve years later, asking just $10.9. It’s a very nice house, custom-built for the owners by Matt Matthews, on 3.5 acres close to town. In fact, there’s nothing not to like about this house, for those who have a taste for this style, except the price. $16.9 wasn’t the right number in 2008 and the other prices tried since then were no more successful. The owner decamped to Palm Beach a long time ago, so let’s hope this latest cut will do the trick.

“I hear there’s a new house going up on Lauder Way; let’s give it a few years for the price to soften and then let’s go looking, Kid.”

“I hear there’s a new house going up on Lauder Way; let’s give it a few years for the price to soften and then let’s go looking, Kid.”