
Joel, Jevera and Jeremy dish it out at Kaye and Hennessey’s corporate suite, 71 Lewis Street

Joel, Jevera and Jeremy dish it out at Kaye and Hennessey’s corporate suite, 71 Lewis Street

Yesterday I mentioned that the two best real estate lawyers in Greenwich, Joel and Jeremy Kaye, were offering their services for free so that they could maintain (and, shhh!, in Jeremy’s case, perhaps improve) their legal skills during this COVID real estate collapse. I heard from both boys this morning, each complaining that I hadn’t also mentioned their willingness to lodge families in transition from sold houses to new ones in the Kayes’ posh, luxurious homes, with, of course, furniture storage in their respective garages. I regret that omission, and urge all who may require any or all of these services to take advantage or them.

The apolitical among you may want to lodge with Jeremy rather than Joel, whose endless loop of Trump advertisements and speeches piped into every room, volume 11, can grate the ear, but others may find Joel’s enthusiasm for the man endearing, as I do. Either way, the sunny disposition and wit of both brothers ensure that you can make no wrong choice here.

So by all means go! And use my name.