State employees at it again

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Hartford Courant July 15 2020: hundreds of state employees may have [sic] illegally filed unemployment claims for loss of part-time, side jobs audit reveals.

“at least 68 out of 70 state agencies have not had layoffs” during the pandemic. That would mean many state employees filing for benefits over the loss of part-time employment would still have full-time jobs — calling into question the legality of their claims.

And watch for this part, which will be the ultimate conclusion when this is done; ‘I forgot”:

The information in Lane’s report is preliminary, and it’s still unknown how many of the unemployment claims in question were filed out of ignorance of the rules when, for example, a restaurant told its waiters and kitchen staff they were closing during the coronavirus pandemic and they should all file for unemployment.

Some of us with long memories may remember when 1,053 state employees were caught filing false claims for emergency food stamp dollars in 2011’s post-Hurricane Irene relief program. In 2012 Governor Malloy announced that of that number, 27 employees were being prosecuted and 10 forced to retire (with full benefits). In 2014, the state dropped all charges against those 27, citing “lack of resources” to prosecute.

Let history be your guide