I'd suggest just returning it to the Ag school it started as, but cows are destroying the climate

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Susie directs our attention to this Greenwich Time article that examines UConn’s sports programs’ $42 million deficit

In 2019, UConn athletics ran a $42.3 million deficit that was fully subsidized by the university — $8.8 million through student fees and a whopping $33.5 million from direct institutional support (state funds, tuition, endowment income, etc.).

Juxtapose that against 2005, when the athletics department received just $9.5 million in subsidies — $6.05 million in student fees and a mere $3.5 million in institutional support.

The numbers have grown every year since. In 2013, UConn’s final year in the Big East, athletics took in an institutional subsidy of $9.1 million.

The following year, UConn’s first in the American Athletic Conference for nearly all sports, the institutional subsidy had doubled to $17.2 million. Three years later, it was over $30 million, and the entire subsidy has been in the $40 million range each of the past three years.

Eliminating all of the shool’s liberal art courses, any science classes that reject “the whiteness of scientific reasoning”, 1/2 the administrative staff and all diversity counselors would be great, but as a small step to defunding UConn, start with football:

“In 2019, UConn football had $16.6 in operating expenses against a mere $3.3 million in revenues. No other sport at the school came even close to operating at such a deficit.”

The disaster began with University’s decision to become a maj0r football power and the 2003 opening of the $92 million Rennselar Field stadium in East Hartford. Two related boondoggles that continue to this day.