Are we really the new Hamptons?

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180 Stanwich Road has a buyer. I posted on this house back when it hit the market in May, noting only that my taste in houses is different from those who are actually buying them; this proves the point.

Here’s the sales pitch for what is, essentially, a new house on a busy road, selling for $6,530,000. Check back in five years.

This home is an innovative take on the Hampton shingle style, with fitness/wellness and entertaining amenities. Custom built for exacting clients and meticulously constructed with finishes reflecting a top design team. A home with a bright disposition, highlighted with a 4 story glass staircase, high ceilings,and retractable doors for indoor-to-outdoor living and entertaining. Kitchen custom cabinetry, slab marble, beamed ceiling, and professional grade appliances. Nearly 3,000 sq ft in the lower level for sports, fitness and fun. Automatic gates and gardens open up to the 2-acre setting, with an expansive stone terrace that steps down to a broad, sweeping velvety lawn. Modern, fresh, and brand new, welcoming you to a wholesome and serene lifestyle.