Deliberate hoax, encouraged and abetted by Twitter and Reuters

Okay, this one’s a spoof — the one below is “real”

Okay, this one’s a spoof — the one below is “real”

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PJ Media: Fake news is running with the story that Trump is having mailboxes removed for nefarious purposes and they’re using this photo to prove it. A fact check at USA Today reported, “The picture — described as originating in Wisconsin — has taken off across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and elsewhere, being shared hundreds of thousands of times and viewed millions of times within a few days of the earliest posts on Aug. 14, 2020.”

The photo was taken by Reuters and one journalist is calling them out to correct the record. It’s a doozy. It turns out that the facility is a refurbishing factory (that makes mailboxes great again) and the pile has been there for at least three years. Read the whole thread. Fake news is dangerous. The entire country is under the impression that the Trump administration is rounding up and imprisoning mailboxes because of this one photo taken out of context. Photojournalist Gary He did some digging and found out the truth. Read through this thread.

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You can continue the thread here, but you get the gist of it. Twitter and Facebook have taken no steps to remove Kennedy’s fake post, though Twitter did take the time to “erroneously” block the Babylon Bee yesterday. Fake news on the left, fine; rel satire on the right must be eliminated at once.