Same house, same street, same price

21  Londonderry Drive

21 Londonderry Drive

Or close enough. 21 Londonderry Drive has sold for $2.025 million, 69 Londonderry for $2.160.

21 Londonderry is a 1970 house, with pool, “renovated” (updated) in 2019. Town appraises it at $2,057,400.

69 Londonderry, 1967 build, with pool, renovated in 2020, sold for $2.160. Town-appraised value $1.953.

21 Londonderry started at $2.350 September 25, but didn’t draw a committed buyer until it dropped its price from $2.195 to $1.999 on July 1, when it drew at least two — hence the above-ask selling price. I wouldn’t be surprised if the the same two buyers jostled for both these houses, since they each went into contract almost simultaneously around, approximately, July 2 , and they both went above ask. Of course, if both went above ask, that would suggest that there was at least one other bidder out there and possibly more.

69 Londonderry came on the market June 24 priced at $1.995, so really, the same price as 21. Went pending at $2.160 July 10, contract, as noted, probably a week before then, or July 2nd(ish).

So these two sales offer a good education on figuring out values on a street on your own, because they’re essentially the same house, same condition, and on the same street. You might prefer 69’s location, buffered from Merritt noise, or the different features of 21, but the almost-identical selling prices tell the story: peas in a pod. You can take that $2.1ish number and apply it to a number of similar houses on similar streets in this neighborhood, adjusting up or down, depending; they provide a good base line for your calculations.

69 Londonderry Drive

69 Londonderry Drive