Grab your walker and head west, old man/woman/being, and play ball — it's our turn now!

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California sports teams unite to support Proposition 16. Prop 16 will repeal the current law of the land in the Golden Shower State and will now permit discrimination according to race, sex and national origin.

On Wednesday, a coalition of seven Bay Area professional sports teams unite in support of Proposition 16, lending their star power to rally voters this fall. The Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers, Oakland A's, San Jose Sharks, San Jose Earthquakes, and Oakland Roots announced their endorsement of the statewide ballot measure to restore California's equal opportunity programs like affirmative action, and to combat systemic discrimination in public contracting, employment, and education.

"With Proposition 16 coming before voters this November, equal opportunity and justice are on the ballot," said Rick WeltsPresident and Chief Operating Officer of the Golden State Warriors. "If we're going to live up to our reputation as a golden state with golden opportunities, we can and should do more to remove the systemic barriers that shut out Californians from a shot at a better life. Prop 16 is crucial to creating a stronger economic future for women and communities of color, and greater economic prosperity for California as whole."

"The San Francisco 49ers organization is proud to support Proposition 16 to ensure that California can truly tap into its diverse talent," said Al Guido, President of the San Francisco 49ers. "The road to equality and equity has been long and exhausting for so many but our organization is determined to push for meaningful action in the direction of progress – supporting Prop 16 is a necessary step to break down systemic racial barriers and level the playing field for all Californians. There is no doubt that a more inclusive California can and will be a stronger California, for all." 

“First to go will be ableist scouting work-outs”, Father Guido told FWIW, “but that’s just the beginning. We’re going for full representation by percentage here; Asians comprise 15% of California’s population? Bring in the Japs! Nine-percent homeless drug addicts? They’ll have a home with us. Average weight and height of males 5’9 and 220 pounds? Move over on the bench there, fella. Of course”, he continued, “we’ll be able to combine some categories, like, if you got a gay Chinese dwarf transgender, kachink kachink kachink! Hell, we can probably get Colin Kaepernick back into the game under some sort of retard quota, who knows? Whatever, you’ll see a complete transformation of professional sports here, and you’re gonna love it.”