Suppression of facts because Orange Man Bad

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Twitter and Facebook have removed a section of Trump’s interview with Fox News in which, arguing for the reopening of schools, he said children “were almost immune” from Kung Flu.

In the video in question, Trump was heard speaking in a phone interview with Fox News in which he argued schools across the nation should be re-opening. 

'If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease,' Trump said. 

'So few, they've got stronger, hard to believe, I don't know how you feel about it, but they've got much stronger immune systems than we do somehow for this.

'And they don't have a problem, they just don't have a problem,' he added.

Deleted by the two social media giants of our time:

"This video includes false claims that a group of people is immune from COVID-19 which is a violation of our policies around harmful COVID misinformation,” Facebook said in a statement.

It was the first time Facebook has removed a post by the president for violating its policies on COVID-19 misinformation.

Twitter also took action late Wednesday. 

"The Tweet you referenced is in violation of the Twitter Rules on COVID-19 misinformation. The account owner will be required to remove the tweet before they can tweet again," the company said in a statement to USA TODAY.

Except that it’s Trump who was speaking the truth and Facebook and Twitter are lying.

Here’s the latest (through Aug. 1) data on COVID-19 deaths from the CDC:

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So the kids aren’t dying (saw a headline in a local paper this week, “child dies of COVID-19, youngest in state” and you had to scroll down three paragraphs below the scare headline to learn that the poor child was in the hospital recovering from a triple-organ transplant); what about merely infected, with or without symptoms? Anyone can Google that and found literally thousands of stories affirming what Trump said. Here’s the briefest of samples:

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My point is, there is in fact a strong, provable consensus that COVID-19 poses little risk to children under 18. If the media doesn’t like this fact, fine; let it sulk, or trot out its own experts to refute it, but to suppress that information, and label the president a liar is dangerous to the republic. It does, though, reveal exactly what the agenda is here.

(UPDATE: Back to COVID deaths for a second, just for readers who prefer graphs to tables)

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