But this time will be different

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PJ Media takes a skeptical view of “experts” cheering for Biden’s trillions of dollars of new spending and taxes:

An unrepentant old-school liberal, Joe Biden would crush the economy with three trillion dollars worth of new taxes and five trillion dollars in new spending.

A new study released on Monday by the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) argues that this is a good thing.

According to The Hill:

“At the end of the day, they actually decrease debt because they do have significant revenue raisers,” Richard Prisinzano, director of policy analysis for PWBM, said in an interview with The Hill. “And the economy is more productive. As we put in things like education and infrastructure, workers become more productive, and that gives a boost to the economy.”

The chart illustration says all that needs to be said about increased spending on education making workers more productive except perhaps, this: the real effect of the past four decades of public education has been to produce a huge body pf non-productive citizens who hate their country and expect others to provide them with a (comfortable) living. Too late to ask for our money back, I suppose.

UPDATE on that last point: Modern education in West Palm Beach:

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