But they know that our country was founded and sustained on slavery

Schnitzel! You smell a micro-aggression?

Schnitzel! You smell a micro-aggression?

2/3 of our idiot youth know nothing about the Holocaust

Almost two-thirds of young American adults do not know that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, and more than one in 10 believe Jews caused the Holocaust, a new survey has found, revealing shocking levels of ignorance about the greatest crime of the 20th century.

According to the study of millennial and Gen Z adults aged between 18 and 39, almost half (48%) could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto established during the second world war.

Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, or had been exaggerated, or they weren’t sure. One in eight (12%) said they had definitely not heard, or didn’t think they had heard, about the Holocaust.

Here’s the more significant point, at least in so far as it explains the appeal of communism to these products of modern education:

If they don’t know about the Holocaust, how little must they know about Stalin’s Ukrainian famine, the Khmer Rouge, and Mao’s mass murders?