Sue the clerk, the police, and the city for violation of his civil rights


Town clerk files complaint against a homeowner for exercising his First Amendment right of freedom of speech, and the police go over “to talk to” the protestor.

It's solicitation of absentee ballots into a container," Byrum said Friday evening. "Our election integrity is not a game. I expect everyone to act appropriately, and this is unacceptable."

Byrum issued a statement with a photo of the display in Mason, saying she filed a police report about it with dispatchers on Monday. 

Mason police contacted her on Wednesday and promised to call her after they'd spoken with the homeowner, she said.

Had he placed this display in the street, blocking traffic, and flung feces and Molotov cocktails at the police while chanting “Black Lives Matter”, they would have stood down, and the homeowner would have been lionized by the press and white liberals.