Just fire 'em and move to a new model

Uh huh

Uh huh

Kenosha schools cancel classes at 11th hour after union teachers refuse to show up. The announcement came late Sunday night, hours before thousands of parents had planned to go to their own jobs.

A Kenosha Unified School District spokeswoman announced to families late Sunday that due to the high number of teacher absences, school would take place through virtual classes rather than in-person for students at 7 districts, FOX 6 reported.

“We genuinely apologize for this very late communication,” the statement says.  “Due to a surge of employee absences being reported for tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 21, we must move Bradford, Harborside, Indian Trail, LakeView, Lincoln, Reuther and Tremper to virtual learning for the upcoming week due to a lack of coverage for in-person learning.

The district said they had 276 teacher absences, although a statement by school officials to FOX 6 does not clarify the reason for the absences. The switch affects 3,600 students. 

“Our system does not collect the reason why, so we are doing our research today. We have a 43% fill rate, meaning we have 43% of the positions needing coverage covered by a substitute, and the other 57% we will be working to cover in one of the following ways: with substitutes, by combining classes with other virtual sections, or by repurposing certified staff from other areas in the district. Teachers who call in sick will are not able to teach virtually or from home,” said Kenosha Unified School District officials.

The district had three confirmed cases of coronavirus among staff, and a total of 10 confirmed cases, with 7 among students, according to FOX 6.

There’s nothing most teachers have to offer these days except illiteracy (85% for inner city blacks) and Marxist indoctrination, so closing the schools won’t hurt the students, but something better should be offered. Since the “teachers” unions control their politicians, the first step towards reform is to fire the current crop of politicos. Then Move On.