By the time the last person leaves California they'll be no need for them to turn off the lights; Governor Newsom will have done it for them

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Newsom orders that all new cars sold in state in 2035 must be zero emission vehicles.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), perhaps unsatisfied with the misery of rolling blackouts to which ill-considered climate restrictions have subjected Californians, has ordered that no new gas-powered cars shall be sold in California beginning in the year 2035. What could possibly go wrong?

California “is phasing out the internal combustion engine,” the governor tweeted in announcing his sweeping executive order. “By 2035 every new car sold in CA will be an emission free vehicle. Cars shouldn’t give our kids asthma. Make wildfires worse. Melt glaciers. Or raise sea levels.”

Leaving aside the fact that switching to electric cars doesn’t mean zero emissions — it just shifts the pollution to other states and other countries — for a state that already can’t produce enough electricity, where does Newsom think all this new energy will come from?

And how many millions of chargers will have to be installed on streets and in apartment tower garages to keep the state’s motoring public mobile? Sounds pricey. Of course, forcing people out of their individual cars and onto buses so that their betters can dictate when and where they travel is not a bug, it’s a feature.