Well this sucks: 'Walt" has died.

A Young Walt, a/k/a Bob Lynch

A Young Walt, a/k/a Bob Lynch

I kept his identity secret, at his request, all these years, but FWIW’s long term commenter, Bob Lynch, died last Monday, and anonymity is no longer necessary.

Bob first appeared on these pages in 2008, during the Madoff scandal, adopting as his pseudonym “Walter Noel”, Madoff’s unindicted co-conspirator then living on Round Hill Road. Walt’s comments were scathing, verging on obscene, and (almost) always very, very funny. Back then I was interviewed by two separate major publications, the New Yorker and the New York Times, and both reporters were desperate to meet him, but he declined. Too bad, because he would have given a hysterical, colorful interview.

The only clue to his identity I ever gave was when I’d write up the amazing swimming career of one “Meghan Lynch” without revealing that she was his daughter, who he deeply loved, and of whom he was extraordinarily proud. Meghan was just a tiny kid (8?) when she began beating up other swimmers years older than her, and she’s continued since then, setting all-time records in local, state, and national meets. She’s a senior at GHS now and headed for Stanford; I’m hoping to read of her competing, and succeeding in this year’s Olympics. I’m so sorry that Bob won’t be there to cheer her on, but I’ll do that for him from this side of the Pacific.

Sad news for me, and I’ll miss him, just as many readers have missed his absence from the comments page. Damn.

UPDATE: At EOS’s suggestion, I’m linking to the charity Bob’s survivors suggest contributing to in his memory:

Adopt a Boxer Rescue. I met two of his dogs some years ago when I visited Walt at his home. Growing up, our family’s dog, Argus, was half-boxer, so I’m fond of the breed, and got along with Walt’s swimmingly, so to speak.