Jen Psaki, meet Christopher Buckley

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Author Chris Buckley once wrote what he swore was a true story of attending a grand reception in Paris. Standing next to each other were a film director and a distinguished Tuxedo type, when two women began descending the grand stairway.

Director: “That’s the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen in my life”.

Tux: “I’ll have you know, that’s my wife.”

Director: “Oh! No, I meant the other woman”.

Tux: “That’s my daughter”.

The director swiveled his head, looking desperately for an escape route and finding none, turned back to Tux and blurted, “I never said it!’

Last week, after Biden banned fracking, his press secretary Jen Psaki falsely claimed that he’d never promised not to do that, but conceded, finally, that “he may have misspoken a couple of times.” The internet was promptly flooded with videos of Lyin’ Joe repeatedly promising Pennsylvania miners and the nation that he wouldn’t stop fracking. Oops!

Yesterday, after her boss banned all Europeans from entry to the U.S., she was asked by a Fox reporter how Biden squared that action with his repeated denunciations of Trump’s Chinese travel ban as “Xenophobic”, and ‘fear-mongering” (as did Nancy Pelosi, Cuomo, and a multiple of Democratic politicians, but never mind).

Psaki’s response? “He never said it”. Uh huh.

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And r5elated, this, from March 20, 2020

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