No Soup for You!

Just not going there

Just not going there

Should we cancel the Left?


At Ace of Spades, Buck Throckmorton has what I think is a brilliant idea:

If Monster Tech can aggressively de-platform businesses and individuals for expressing forbidden opinions, then maybe it’s time for skilled tradesmen to respond in kind against the woke left.

Leftists despise working class “deplorables” and seek to punish them for all their disapproved habits – you know – God, guns, motorized vehicles, and voting MAGA. Well, the tradesmen I know are swamped with business right now, so it might be a good time for them to establish their own “terms of service” enabling them to deny services to advocates of cancel culture.

Broken down on the side of the road with a Bernie or Biden bumper sticker? Sorry – you’re going to have to find a wrecker that employs all 57 genders and declares all their pronouns. But Earl’s 24-Hour Wrecker won’t be towing your car today. Terms of service, you know.

Broken down furnace during a deep freeze? Too bad you advocated for a fracking ban on Facebook. That’s a violation of Smith HVAC’s terms of service. It looks like you’ll need to find yourself an HVAC company that can fix you up with 100% renewable energy if you want your heat back on.

I’d go further; get an organization going to scour the social media sites and compile a searchable, national list of deplorables: Biden voters, college activists, and victimhood majors, Democratic voters rolls, and so on. Then, don’t hire anyone on that list, and refuse their business.

Then go out and celebrate by enjoying a nice, hot, juicy Chic-fil-A sandwich, perhaps with a side-order of Goya beans.