Wait'll next year — or maybe 2023; we’ll let you know

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NY Teachers’ Union: We might be willing to return to the classroom in September, but don’t count on it

Union Head Michael Mulgrew: 

“I want schools to be open in September. But there is a lot that has to happen before we can make that call,” the union big said.

There are around 75,000 teachers assigned to city public-school classrooms. Current in-person teachers were given priority to get the shots after the city reopened some pre-K to fifth-grade schools for classroom learning earlier this month. 

So the union intends to keep the schools closed at least until September (!) And how serious are the teachers about giving up their paid vacations, ever? This serious:

Mulgrew told The Post that of those 75,000 teachers, only 20,000 have even requested appointments thus far.

Mulgrew stressed that there is no magic teacher vaccination rate that will trigger the reopening of the nation’s largest school system.

He said citywide COVID-19 indicators — and vaccination rates — will determine when classrooms greet kids full-time once again.

New York City’s deadbeats aren’t alone, of course. The largest teachers union in LA County has vowed that its members won’t allow schools to reopen until their “social justice” demands are met. Those demands include defunding the police, a “wealth tax”, Medicare for all, and abolishing charter schools. And higher pay, of course. Estimated time table for all that? Five, ten, fifteen years.?(Chicago’s teachers, by the way, are making the same demands.)

And the new administration is there to help them extend their frolic and detour. Yesterday, Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain sided with the teachers unions and said schools shouldn’t reopen until they’re “safe” which, he says, means new air conditioning systems, more teachers, smaller classes and, naturally, lots more federal money. Timetable for rebuilding all our schools? About the same as achieving social justice and equality (of results) for all. Despite studies involving hundreds of thousands of students and teachers in 46 states concluding that schools K-12 are a “minimal source of infection” — far less than 1% — Klain insists that the unions aren’t overruling science, they’re just being careful. Uh-huh.

And those same unions are set to destroy all our schools. Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of Education, San Diego’s teachers’ union head Cindy Martin, is coming to Washington after years spent running San Diego Central Elementary School, which has an 80% failure rate on standardized tests of math, and English, results that decline for every year spent in her school.* She’ll soon be in charge of overseeing and duplicating those same results for all the nation’s children.

San Diego’s abysmal schools are not unique: inner-city schools across the country show the same 80-90% failure rate. So whether those teachers return to school or stay at home gnawing Nachos, their students will still fail.

Also yesterday Susan Rice, Biden’s Director of National Policy, claimed that “science says” that eliminating racial inequality in the U.S. will produce $5 trillion in economic growth in just the next five years. That’s a preposterous claim in the first place, but continuing an educational system with a product failure rate of 80-90% will ensure that it will never be achieved — ever.

It doesn’t help that Biden’s on track to destroy a million good jobs, jobs held by workers of all races, by abolishing the fossil fuel industry, but that’s another story.

* San Diego Central Elementary

* San Diego Central Elementary