God forbid a soldier be asked to risk her hair health

Will this helmet give me hat hair?

Will this helmet give me hat hair?

The U.S. Army will loosen restrictions on lipstick, nail polish and protective hairstyles in an effort to promote gender and racial inclusion.

"We're looking at, you know, a future of women that will have healthier hair," Barber, an Army Reserve captain, said. "It's important for us to feel like we can walk into the military ... and feel confident in the way that we look and we're not sacrificing our appearance or our hair health."

With three-quarters of young Americans unfit for military service due to obesity,lack of physical fitness, and lacking “a basic understanding of written and cognitive skills … to complete an organized program’, it makes sense to make the army more attractive to the few young people who do qualify, but it sounds like our armed forces are focused more on feel-good topics like inclusion and transvestitism than on military preparedness. And if those recruits aren’t willing to enlist unless they can be assured that they won’t be risking their “hair health”, will they be willing to risk, you know, their lives? If not, what good are they?

The Chinese must be laughing hysterically.