Oh, my heavens. Another COVID lie,and another example of our ignorant, incurious media dutifully spreading it

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Yet another Hysterical Study on Masking Kids in Schools Turns out to Be Absolutely Trash

Bonchie, Red State:

You may recall several weeks ago when RedState reported on a misleading CDC study that claimed to prove that masking children in schools prevented the spread of COVID-19. In reality, the data was cherry-picked without proper controls, and during most of the observation period, children weren’t even in school. To top things off, the study itself admitted that no causation between masks and infection rates could be assumed.

[Editor’s note: In fact, the author of the study cited by the CDC publicly distanced herself from the CDC’s statements]

Lastly, that study did not even show a significant statistical difference in infection rates, translating to almost nothing in real numbers.

In short, what we have is a “study” that didn’t even cover a period where children were in school — save for a week or so. The “study” is also based on a data set of counties that do not control for prior infection rates, testing capacity, etc. in order to conduct a valid comparison between areas that have school mask mandates and ones that don’t. And even still, they came up with a result that shows almost no difference in the real number of cases.

Lastly, just to put a fine point on all this, the CDC’s own study admits that it’s ecological and should not be used to assign causation in regards to masks and infection rates. They also admit a lack of control regarding several other key variables.

But everything that’s old is new again, so another study out of Michigan is attempting to mislead in much the same way. In fact, if you just read the headlines, you’d be greeted with the startling claim of a 62 percent difference in infection rates between schools that have mask mandates and those that don’t. Sound definitive and proof that masking works, right? Yeah, let’s get into that.

This per MLive.

Schools without mask requirements have reported significantly more cases of COVID-19 among their students than those mandating masking, according to a recent analysis by the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health.

“Significantly more,” they proclaim with absolute confidence with just the right amount of hysteria. Yet, when you get into the numbers, they show the complete opposite is true. So, what are they? Well, they say in the next paragraph.

Districts that require masking for all grades have reported an average of less than 50 cases per 100,000 enrolled individuals in recent weeks, while districts with few to no mask rules have seen their average surpass 80 cases per capita.

Yes, you read that right. The great scientific finding here that proves masks are a worthy sacrifice for children is a difference of around 30 cases…per 100,000 children. In percentages, that’s 0.0005 percent vs. 0.0008 percent. To say that doesn’t even qualify as a rounding error is an understatement.

Schools are forcing muzzles on kids, creating learning difficulties, and possibly causing lasting mental and emotional problems in order to maybe avoid a difference of 0.0003 percent in infections. And remember, we are talking about a virus that is already less dangerous to children than the flu or riding in a car.

I’ll add this: the deliberate whipping up of COVID hysteria is not limited to the “protext our school children” trope. Here’s CNN: Five times as many law enforcement officers have died of COVID-19 than from gunfire since the start of the pandemic.

How many is that? You have to dig down, past the weepy tale of a cop’s widow, to get the number: 476. 245 in 2020, and 231 this year. There were 696,644 law enforcement officers employed full-time in 2020 (the latest figure I could find). That’s a death rate of 0.00068328; not particularly significant – a cop shot and killed in the line of duty is, or should be, huge news, but a death from disease, whether COVID, cancer or heart, is sad, but not unusual. But the point, for CNN, is the headline, and using it to ridicule the cops who are refusing to get vaccinated.

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