Oh, he has an "answer", but it depends on what the question is

After 10 months of everything he could possibly do to cause them, Biden says he doesn’t have a near-term answer to soaring energy prices,

“The answer ultimately is, ultimately meaning the next three or four years, is investing in renewable energy,” insisted Biden, who also touted the “Big Three” US automakers’ August announcement that electric vehicles will make up between 40 and 50 percent of their sales by 2030.

“So what will happen is, you’re going to see a dramatic drop, a dramatic drop, in what’s gonna happen in terms of gas prices as we go into the next two or three years,” the president promised. 

Got that? We’ll have a solar energy infrastructure up and running in three years, and we’ll all be driving our cars around and heating our homes with cheap, renewable unicorn farts. He doesn’t have to believe that, only you do, and even then, only for as long as it takes to complete the nation’s re-education and we learn that less is more — and much fairer to the third world and those we have oppressed for the past 500 years.

The “question” was supposedly about how Biden could get gas prices lower, and of course he has no answer to that because he has no intention of doing so. His goal, or the goal of the communists running the show for him, is to drive prices up to strangle-high levels and keep them there, and it’s all part of the grand plan to humble America, to reduce it to poverty and teach us our proper place in the world. In 1979, American’s rejected Jimmy Carter’s demand that we don cardigan hair shirts, turn our thermostats down to 55°, learn to do without, and repent. “They” have had 40+ years to run two more generations of students through the indoctrination mill, and the results may well be different this time.

(WTF Update) We can all sympathize with the poor ol’ codger’s brain melt here, but what gives with the arms forward, fists clenched pose? Is it a new addition to the repertoire, something to compliment his patented Creepy Joe Whisperer shtick? Weird.

UPDATE: Who knew? Turns out, Basement Joe was riffing on Beavis and Butthead