Who would possibly believe these people about anything, when they're recommending infecting children for political purposes?

FDA Advisors, the same people who admitted yesterday that they’d approved vaccine booster shots only under pressure from Biden and the drug manufacturers, now recommend that children 5-12 get jabbed.

What kind of numbers are we talking about here that would justify vaccinating 25 million children, 5-12?

So — no crisis that would be apparent to a rational mind, but the medical profession is attempting to drive reason out by replacing it with panic. This is the kind of bullshit being promulgated by “WebMD” and members of the medical "profession:

Aug. 16, 2021 -- The number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the U.S. hit a record high on Saturday, with more than 1,900 kids in hospitals.

Hospitals across the South are running out of beds as the contagious Delta variant spreads, mostly among unvaccinated people. Children make up about 2.4% of the country’s COVID-19 hospitalizations, and those under 12 are particularly vulnerable since they’re not eligible to receive a vaccine.

“This is not last year’s COVID,” Sally Goza, former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, told CNN on Saturday.

“This one is worse, and our children are the ones that are going to be affected by it the most,” she said….

More than 90% of the ICU beds in Texas are full as well. On Friday, there were no pediatric ICU beds available in Dallas or the 19 surrounding counties, which means that young patients would be transported father away for care — even Oklahoma City.

“That means if your child’s in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect or something and needs an ICU bed, or more likely, if they have COVID and need an ICU bed, we don’t have one,” Clay Jenkins, a Dallas County judge, said on Friday.

“Your child will wait for another child to die,” he said.

Wow, 1,900 “kids” (age unspecified) were hospitalized, some of whom may be there because of COVID. How big a percentage of our children is that? Just about zero.

73 million children 0-17

Trust a doctor? No further than I could throw a politician.