This woman is a professor of journalism

Greenwich Time has published an opinion piece by one Susan Campbell, who is identified (and presumably also self-identifies) as a “Distinguished Lecturer and Professor of Journalism at the University of New Haven”. In a screed one would expect from a professor of sociology or astro-physics at Yale, but not one from a better school, Collins turns her wrath on — surprise! — anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers and, worst of all, the old stick-in-the-muds sitting on the Supreme Court, who apply an obsolete reading to the First Amendment. It’s a dispiriting read, coming as it does from a woman who is teaching children to be modern “journalists”.

Of course, it is a bedrock rule that we allow that one voice of dissent to stop the proceedings while we all ponder the uniquely bad idea of ignoring a virus. It is why the Supreme Court can hand down such confounding decisions in First Amendment cases. Instead of protecting the collective, we have learned that this emphasis on individual rights — the right to ignore science — puts the community at peril.

“Protecting the collective”. Says it all.