Liberalism is a mental disease

that’s not funny!

Pew Study: White Liberals disproportionately suffer from mental illness

And this woman proves it

Mike Miller, Red State (all comments are his —ed)

A COVID-Karen mom posted a scenario to the parenting advice column of Slate, “Care and Feeding,” asking for advice on how she can ever again trust her 11-year-old daughter after the girl sat on the same couch as her friend, neither wearing a mask. Equally horrific, explained the unnamed mom, the two young girls even… put their hands… into the same bowl… of potato chips! Oh, the humanity!

Dear Care and Feeding,

My daughter, 11, has been wonderful throughout the pandemic. She social distances at all times, we never have to remind her to put her masks on, and we found a fully virtual scholastic program so she can avoid the significant risks of large crowds in the public schools.

The poor little girl has been isolated as hell for a year and a half, mom.

A few weeks ago, however, her other parent and I [Her “other parent and I”? Ooh, red flag already.] had an obligation that we both had to be present for (we are both vaccinated, it was socially distanced, and we were wearing masks).

Usually one of us would stay home with her, but because of her maturity level and the short time we would be gone, we assumed we could trust her on her own.

Your daughter is 11 years old, babe — and you’re acting like she knocked off a liquor store.

When we arrived home, we found her with a friend of hers who lives about a block away. She has visited on occasion throughout the pandemic but they know the rules.

They are to stay outside and on opposite ends of the driveway or patio. The patio only offers about 5 feet of distance, but we decided that should be enough as long as they stay outside and keep their masks on.

This neurotic woman has no idea how insane this is.

Anyway, when we arrived home on this particular day, both her and her friend were in the living room, sitting on the same couch, not wearing masks, not socially distanced, and each putting their hands into the same bowl of chips.

Why she would take this kind of risk, I still don’t understand.

Therapy, lady, try therapy — for you, not your daughter.

I immediately told her friend that she had to go home and to please inform her mother to call me at her earliest convenience. I then expressed my disappointment with my daughter and informed her how dangerous what she did was.

I reminded her about the delta variant and how it’s caused so many children her age to end up in the ICU. I told her that she only has to wait a few more months until she’s eligible for the vaccine, and this isn’t the time to become complacent.

I’m pretty sure the other little girl’s mom thinks you’re nuts, tread lightly; unless you’re willing to kiss your daughter’s friend — and her mother — goodbye.

We took all the necessary steps to remain safe. She immediately quarantined in her bedroom for the suggested two weeks. I cleaned the house thoroughly and opened multiple windows to circulate the air. Luckily, we all came out of this debacle safely.

Is she allowed to eat real food or is she being punished with bread and water only?

still don’t feel I can trust her, though. I understand it’s normal for her to make mistakes, but this wasn’t forgetting to turn a light off or close the refrigerator. She put her life at risk. How do we start building the trust back?

Trust Issues