That's okay, he doesn't know anything about any kind of car, period. He's a career politician, and doesn't drive himself, ever

Wyoming: Private jets await their turn at the DCFC charging station

By that logic, Joe, you can also drive across on a single tank of gas. The difference is that it takes five minutes to “recharge” your gas tank every 400 miles, while the fastest DCFC charger (@$250,000 per) will take an hour to give you another 250 miles. And that’s assuming there’s no wait time for that charger: an interstate gas station with, say, 24 pumps (4 per island, 6 islands) can theoretically handle 288 cars per hour, while that same number of electric chargers will power up 24. That’s for the super-fast chargers — Level 2 units require 4-8 hours, Level 1, 43. One starry-eyed greener I’ve discovered says that 4 chargers per Interstate station will do the trick: that’s 4 cars, per hour, and there are far more Teslas on the Road to Jackson Hole than that.

All across America, I can hear the roar of the elites’ private jets warming up.