I wonder if these people realize that, after two years of lying about every aspect of this flu, they've completely lost the trust of half the country?

greenwich hospital staff ready to give it a (needless) shot. “We tested it on 3,100 kids, so trust us: it’s absolutely safe for 28 million of ‘em They’re all the same”.

Greenwich Hospital says that the ability to jab 5-11-year-olds gives “reason to celebrate”.

“It’s an important population. They’re our youth. They’re our future,” [Hospital President Diane Kelly] said. “Understandably we needed to be cautious and have the right information for the vaccine, but it’s going to really make a difference. Having them have the same protection we all have is really something to celebrate…”

Celebrate what? Forcing an untested drug onto kids? Worse — or as bad — Kelly’s “same protection we all have” may be no protection at all.

Vaccinated People Easily Transmit COVID-19 Delta Variant in Households: UK Study. “The Delta COVID-19 variant can easily transmit from vaccinated people to their household members, said a recent UK study, although its researchers concluded that vaccinations and boosters are the way forward.”

 Delta Variant of COVID-19: Fully Vaccinated People Can Contract The New Variant And Spread It Further, Lancet Study Confirms.

If the vaccine doesn’t work, and if paper masks are useless, why are we forcing both onto small children? Why won’t people like Nurse Kelly give the number of how many children are actually at risk of getting COVID? Why does she whip up an air of hysteria when there are exactly two COVID patients in her hospital (and why has she, like the rest of her peers, hidden the number of patients who are hospitalized “with” COVID, but “because of” other illnesses?

And so on, and so on, and so on. Bill Maher, of all people, sums it up: