Weakness Invites Aggression

at least we’ll always have oil

Biden in Iran: cave or war?

He’ll cave, of course, but that may still not be enough to prevent war.

“Next week, Iran and the group of nations known as the P5+1 will sit down and try to put the nuclear genie back in the bottle with respect to Iran and its nuclear bomb program.

“The P5+1 — China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, plus Germany — have been holding fruitless meetings with Iranian representatives about reviving the 2015 nuclear accord — an agreement made obsolete when Donald Trump declared that the United States was free of it and Iran began enriching uranium to near-bomb grade level. Iran has also denied UN inspectors access to its nuclear sites.

“Right now, Biden and the western powers are treading water hoping for a miracle. But Iran is making it very easy to go to war, and it appears that the only two viable options for the West are some kind of military action or surrender.

“Biden was hoping for some kind of bailout from the Russians and Chinese, but Iran appears determined to get the bomb and wouldn’t listen to their erstwhile allies anyway.”

NBC News:

With chances for a breakthrough at the talks in Vienna looking remote and Iran at odds with U.N. nuclear inspectors, U.S. and European officials face a grim set of choices — from ramped-up sanctions to potential military action — as Iran’s nuclear program advances into dangerous territory.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last month that the U.S. was “prepared to turn to other options” if the negotiations fail, and Israel has made it clear that it is ready to take military action if necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“Israel has been kind enough to give Joe Biden a chance to settle in before going to war with Iran. The Israelis don’t care what Biden thinks, but they have a certain sensitivity about American politics and know better than to paint Biden into a corner where he either has to support them or not.

“But the Israelis are more than ready to take on Iran.”