In a stunning act of sheer racism, Biden bars Africans from entering the U.S.

Or perhaps Africans don’t count as much as Chinese. If so, it’s a complete reversal of the Ivy Leagues’ admission standards.

Totalitarianism flourishes in panic, which is why governments love the media’s cooperation in spreading hysteria. Look past the headlines and you’ll see that “they” are still studying the new strain, and don’t know whether the African Flu can survive because of its multiage mutations, whether it’s more — or less — than earlier strains, whether it will evade existing vaccines, etc. In other words, little is known about this, but thanks to the media, a new worldwide panic is upon us. I do hope there are people on Wall Street betting against the gerbils in the canyons who are selling off like mad.

Oh, No, it’s Nu-Flu. Run for your lives!

Actually, that’s pretty silly. Scientists have never pitted this Nu variant against the Delta variant in a race so we don’t know if it’s really the fastest. But my money is on Nu, otherwise, there goes the narrative and we’re back to trying to drum up hysteria by falling back on the Delta variant’s supposed resistance to vaccines.

So is the Nu variant resistant to vaccines? We don’t know.

Does it spread faster than the Delta variant? We don’t know.

Is it deadlier to contract than any other variant? We don’t know.

Are you detecting a pattern here?

If you’re already vaccinated, can you catch the Nu variant? We don’t know. But has that stopped the media hysterics from trying to gin up more fear about the pandemic?

This Nu variant is actually a godsend because it fulfills the number one dictum for the left’s hysteria machine: never let a crisis go to waste. And number 2 is, if a crisis doesn’t exist, create one.