Now can Jay retract his apology?

ask not for whom the dinner bell tolls,

March 24, 2021: Jay Leno Apologizes for Past Racist Asian Jokes: “In My Heart I Knew It Was Wrong”

(Sample jokes):

On a North Korean skater’s Olympic loss in 2002 — ’Kim Dong-sung was so upset, he went home, kicked his dog, then ate him!’.

Backstage at ‘America’s Got Talent’ — pets in a photo looked like something one would find ‘on the menu at a Korean restaurant.”

Oh, boo hoo. Here’s today’s news:

November 26, 2021: South Korea launches task force for banning dog meat

South Korea on Thursday said it will launch a task force to consider outlawing dog meat consumption after the country’s president offered to look into ending the centuries-old practice.

In a statement, seven government offices including the Agriculture Ministry said they decided to launch the group comprising officials, civilian experts and people from related organizations to deliver recommendations on possibly outlawing dog meat consumption. It said authorities will gather information on dog farms, restaurants and other facilities while examining public opinion.

Surely, after a pause for reflection here, we can conclude that the professional perpetually offended crowd is barking up the wrong tree.