COP26 Summary: A few sucker nations, the rest were takers standing in line with their tribute bowls

China and India, neither of which agreed to cut their use of coal — whaddathey, stupid? — agreed to accept $2 billion of the western world’s taxpayer’s cash, which was nice of them. The rest of the peasants are supposedly going to get $100 billion now and an ever-increasing amount annually, with a $trillion promised by 2030.Those beggar nations have no real economies and thus no CO2 to sacrifice for the cause, so they could, and did mumble all sorts of vague, meaningless promises in exchange for cash handouts.

40,00 people got an all-expenses-paid junket to Scotland (value in October-November, zero, but never mind, there were parties, prostitutes, and booze to entertain them), and accomplished nothing. Except, of course, a commitment by the developed countries to ruin themselves. “Levelling” is the goal, and that process always results in dragging down the high to the low: picture leveling a poured concrete floor. Or, if you can stand it, look at any country that has adopted socialism.

Western Europe, Great Britain, and the U.S traveled to Glasgow to rend their clothes, smear themselves with ashes, and agree to shut down their economies and distribute their taxpayers’ money to the rest of the world. There’s an irony here: when the western worlds economy stops, wealth will disappear, except the money in the oligarchs’ pockets, and there will be nothing to give to the “poor”. Except for shared misery.